MineTest 5 topics
Forums about MineTest
Last Post
Player Issues No topicsDiscussions about playing MineTest
Moderators: The_Pro_Builder, clownf
Server Issues 3 topicsIssues related to the server
Moderators: The_Pro_Builder, clownf
Startup Scripts No topicsStartup scripts for Minetest
Moderators: The_Pro_Builder, clownf
Backup Script No topicsScripts to back up a Minetest installation
Moderators: The_Pro_Builder, clownf
Management Console 1 topicManage your server from a text gui with no need for CLI usage
Moderators: The_Pro_Builder, clownf
Utilities Suite 1 topicDiscuss our utilities in general here. If it doesn't have a category of its own you can talk about it here...
Moderators: The_Pro_Builder, clownf
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