Minetest Older Versions Request
The Group Is Older Versions needed for which server needed and the new version who are enjoying

FreeTest (minetest server)
its my minetest server buyed from minecity. minecity is a good website for buying minetest server and the minetest server that buyed from minecity...
Vilyn Edw is friends with Marisa Giancarla
Basic Information
Female -
30. 08. 2014 -
About me
i had an old server called cuteserver.minecity.online but now it’s gone but you can join my server rainbow-server.minecity.online or dandelion.minecity.online. -
None -
Favorite Server
Kardell’s server (mineclone2) -
Your Servers
Rose server(no longer active)Fluffy’s Server(no longer active) Blossom’s awesome server. Dandelion’s city and survival server.
Contact Information
Mobile phone
None -
Land phone
None -